Cannabis business
Water Quality StandardsRegulating Agencies In California
How Water Quality Impacts Cannabis Operators

Water quality standards are a hot ticket item that agricultural operators have been aware of and dealing with in California for years, but they can catch new legal cannabis operators off-guard if they aren’t prepared. Today, we wanted to offer some information on the agencies that police water quality standards, and why it is important to not run afoul of these regulations.
The regulating bodies in California are keenly focused on water quality. The two main agencies that are in charge of regulating water quality standards are the Regional Water Quality Control Board, and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Their primary concern is based on the cleanliness of every drop of water that falls from the sky as rain and then travels across some surface. During the transportation of water, it may or may not pick up contaminants as it moves across the land and into streams, lakes, and aquifers. The term contaminants does not just apply to chemicals but also applies to silt, dust, organisms, and any other material that can be transported by water shed. These are environmental quality requirements that are watched very carefully, and as a cannabis cultivator, need to be managed and addressed early on with best management practices. Both the Regional Water Quality Control Board and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife require an action plan as a part of your Request For Proposal before being granted a license or permit, and may request updated plans at any time once you are in operation based on changing standards and goals of these agencies.
The more complex issue is the expansion of the Department of Fish and Wildlife’s jurisdiction in an area where they previously weren’t heavily involved. Traditionally when it comes to agriculture, the Department of Fish and Wildlife has had somewhat of a hands-off approach. In cannabis; however, no matter if you have an indoor or outdoor cultivation, the Department of Fish and Wildlife is involved in a much greater level than in the past. There are several areas where clients can run afoul of this agency, and the Department of Fish and Wildlife has a very low tolerance level for what they will and will not allow.

Water quality is something to remain cognizant of, as it can quickly and effectively shut down your business. Violating water quality rules comes with very steep penalties, starting with fines that can cost thousands of dollars. If not addressed and resolved in a timely and proper manner, the penalties can lead to a revocation of licensure, preventing any further business from being conducted. As a cannabis operator in California, your licensure needs to be protected at all costs and that is what Greenroad brings to the table as a company that works with these agencies on a regular basis.
Whether you are just starting on your RFP, or you are a permitted and/or licensed cannabis business in the state of California, we can assist you in ensuring that your company maintains all expected quality standards and continues to operate in California’s legal cannabis industry.
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Cambria, CA 93428
+1 805 927 8138